This web page is designed to help McConnells trace their ancestry and understand their history. In the Index of Persons on this page there are genealogies of over 35,000 McConnells and their relatives. Most lived in the U.S. in the 1700s and 1800s. If you are a U.S. McConnell, your ancestors are probably in this database. On this site you will also find a link to a McConnell history book, the eight coats of arms for McConnells, the McConnell crest, and McConnell DNA research.
The surname McConnell is the closest pronunciation to the original Gaelic name, "MacDhomnhuill." The "Dh" in the Gaelic pronunciation was like a hard C so McConnell is not far from the original Gaelic pronunciation. Early English documents usually refer to the MacDonalds as McConnells. McConnell is one of the more common of spelling variations of the orginal surname, which also include MacDonald, McDonald, McDaniel, and McDonnell and a huge number of variations of these names. Most variations of the original Gaelic name rely on translating "Mac" as "son of" and "Dhomnnhuill" as Donald into English. The differences that resulted after the translation to English did not exist when the MacDhomnhuills all spoke Gaelic.
Recently we have the DNA for a number of Franklin County, PA McConnells from descendants of Robert Mcconnell, (d. 1777) Francis McConnell, (d. 1769), and Captain William McConnell (d. 1770). DNA results showed that there were two genetically different sets of McConnells who were in Franklin County, PA in the 1700s. The DNA for Robert and Francis showed they were related, and probably brothers, and their DNA was classified as part of the Western Atlantic Modal Haplotype group. Based on historical evidence, James Mcconnell of Peters Twp (d. 1776) was probably also their brother as well as Donald McConnell (d. 1776) who was closely associated with Robert McConnell.
he second group of McConnells in Franklin County, PA includes Captain William McConnell (d. 1770) who was found to be an R1A McConnell, who could be related to the Alexander McConnell (d. 1729) who died at Octorara Creek. William's brother Alexander McConnell (d. 1792), who lived in Hamilton Twp, Franklin Co., AP would have had the same DNA. Jane McConnell (d. 1756), their sister and the mother of Robert Patterson, the explorer who founded Lexington, Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio was also a member of this family. See the McConnell DNA Research for more details about these McConnells. |